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एसपीएमसीआईएल की 22वीं शीर्ष द्विदलीय फोरम बैठक का आयोजन 12 और 13 मई, 2022 को भारत सरकार टकसाल, नोएडा द्वारा सफलतापूर्वक किया गया

May 18, 2022 , New Delhi –
The two-days programme was inaugurated by Ms. Tripti P. Ghosh, Chairman and Managing Director by lighting a lamp in the dignified presence of Shri Sunil Kumar Sinha, Director (HR) and Shri Ajay Agarwal, Director (Finance). Chief General Manager (HR), Corporate Office, Chief General Managers from all Units of the Corporation and recognized Union Representatives of the Units were present on the occasion to discuss issues of importance for the progress of the Company.In her address, the Chairman and Managing Director emphasized on the need to give priority to the issues of modernization of the Company, diversification in business, employee welfare. The two-day meeting concluded in full harmony.