Mar 10, 2022 , New Delhi – |
The “Official Language Conference” was organized by 05 member offices of Town Official Language Implementation Committee, Delhi (Undertaking-2) i.e. SPMCIL, DFCCIL, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Delhi Regional Office, ECGC Limited, MRPL respectively and the programme was successfully coordinated by SPMCIL. The programme was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Ms. Anshuli Arya, Secretary, Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs with lighting the lamp. In her address, the Secretary emphasised on “12प्र” specifically on Protsahan and Puraskar for the promotion of the official language and requested all heads of offices to ensure the progress of the official language in their offices. In her presidential address, Ms. Tripti Patra Ghosh, Chairman and Managing Director, SPMCIL urged upon all the participants in the conference to fully comply with their constitutional obligation regarding use of Official Language in their official work. During the programme various useful sessions i.e. incentive schemes and awards for the use of official language, capacity building of official language personnel, Hindi e-tools were conducted. The programme was concluded with the Poetry recitation session. Finally, Member Secretary, TOLIC, Delhi (Undertaking-2) expressed his gratitude to all the organizing offices including SPMCIL, the coordinating office, for conducting the Official Language Conference successfully. |